(Pardon the grammar, but these are just quick write-ups of my dreams.
They are not essays or great works of literature. Just dreams, folks. Don't be hatin'.)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Babies I Don't Have to Take Care of


So I've slept with some dude and now I'm pregnant.

Then I've had the baby, and she is in the hospital because she's not healthy.

I run around freaking out, talking to anybody I see about my baby that's dying. Including Jeff M, who I run into on a couch somewhere.

I get a phone call that the baby is fine.

I'm going into someone's house to wait for my child.

She is with the woman that takes care of her. The lady that kind of adopted my baby. I guess. Anyway, the now toddler child calls me Mommy, but know's that I'm not the one that's going to take care of her. The father is there, too. And this toddler little girl is so very sweet and beautiful.

I think I cry.

The adoptive mother and my child leave. I tell the father that his features made our baby beautiful. He tells me that the mother gave her very good genes, too.

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